Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chuck's #1 Fan!

From what I have seen in school, I'm not very hopeful in the future of our nation, and there are a few people that would agree with me on this.

One of them is this chick.

Meet Amy. She has a fear of snakes, birds, fish, dark places, and closed spaces. Having all these phobias make a her a target to my harassment, so I make sure to mention one of these items daily to make her have a small panic attack. It's quite humorous. Besides all of that, she LOVES Chuck, the TV show, and Russia. Anytime you mention one of these items her face gets all happy and joyful. It's disgusting. And if you say both in the same sentence the world will implode on itself from the unsustainable joy.

Now, if you look at Amy's personality versus mine you wouldn't really be able to see how we're friends. In fact, we're polar opposites, but our views of people and dislike of Apple products are quite similar to each other. We both seem frown upon many of the same people and ideas and everyday we vent to each other about them. If one of us is absent, we slowly crumble up and die on the inside. Kind of like dehydrated ants.

Overall, she's hilarious! And she keeps me sane. She is my trusted partner on all things group work (because group work is stupid) and TV related. She is also the person I laugh at when there is coloring, (because she's colorblind), history, or ridiculous amounts nonsense reading involved in anything we do. All of these things makes her one of the coolest friends I've ever had. So, suck it human population, because you don't have an Amy!

1 comment:

  1. You forgot about mocking me for being horrible at directions and getting places. I got lost going to Arby's today...
