Monday, April 30, 2012

It's MARVELous

If you think that it's a bird or a plane, you need to get to an ophthalmologist, ASAP!

Now, I love superheroes! I've been reading comics for quite sometime and I would like to share my personal opinion on some of the more famous ones.

NANANANANANANANA BATMAAAAAANNN!!!! That's right! The Dark Knight! The reason that I like this guano making superhero is because he has no actual powers. He fights people like Penguin, Joker, and Two-Face with his über-cool gadgets and tank like car, all while making love to Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, and Pamela Isly. Without Batman, Gotham is screwed, because the police there cannot seem to control it's people.

Don't you just love steroids?

Another wonderful specimen of the freak population is Flash. This guy can punch you so fast you'll be hit in the face about 1000 times before you even realize he's also punched you where the sun don't shine. What else is cool, you ask? Well, he can also control the flow of energy between things. This power is stupid, but basically, he can throw rocks in which you think are going at regular speed, but are actually going Flash fast. Before you know it, you have 7 million rocks being thrown at your head. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why Flash is cool. Period.

Unfortunately, not all superheros are fantabulous. Take Spiderman. He is a wuss and acts like a girl, plus that outfit is ridiculous. No one needs to see that. His power is lame too. It doesn't seem plausible to swing from building to building with webs. Also, who lets a spider bite you? Whenever I see one, my first instinct is to verbally abuse it and then smack it with an un-human like rage. Seriously, Stan Lee, can't you make pterodactyl type superhero or something?

I wonder what shoots out of there...

The thing with superheros and reading comics is that it promotes imagination and creates more awesome people. I encourage you to make your own superhero and display it to the unforgiving world in which you reside in. Just don't do this:

No one needs this.


  1. I'm sure Jew-Man has some kind of awesomeness to it.
    ... But yeah, Spiderman kinda sucks. :P

  2. +1 for ophthalmology reference :)
