Saturday, January 12, 2013

Three Things to Get Straight.

1. Nicolas Sparks is not a good storyteller. 
You sir, are vomit in an airline sickness bag. There are hundreds of dead writers cringing in their grave wanting to rise from the dead and smash a bottle in your face. 
I understand the want to read a sappy, predictable, romance novel, but I dare you to read it when you're not on your period. 

2. DVR/Netflix/Hulu etc. are king!
Commercials longer than a minute? Ain't nobody got time fo dat! Plus, I have homework. 
TV networks still mostly rely on ratings and viewing numbers of shows when they first air, and it causes the unfortunate cancellation of some damn good shows. Yes, they do get the DVR and next day viewing numbers, but they don't seem to put them into account when they decide which shows need to stay or go, and they should. People like me, who go to school, take a bunch of high level classes, drown in homework and don't really get to watch TV during the week always get the short end of the stick here. I rely on my DVR, and now, with the world going at the pace it is, TV networks should too. 

3. Anderson Cooper should be everyone's Patronus 
For the Harry Potter virgins reading this, a patronus charm evokes a positive energy force when faced with dark forces such as dementors. 
FACT: The Moon reflecting the Sun's light at night is a lie. It's actually Anderson Cooper's hair reflecting the light.
Imagine if Oprah and Anderson did a segment together! I would die happy. 
Anderson, I don't care if you're gay, if you are reading this, call me! 

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